F - Family
O - Occupation
R - Recreation
D - Dreams
When we answer the "Describe yourself" question, it is advisable that you start by sharing a little bit of yourself and draw some ideas from your family back ground or friends. Anything that has something to do about your personal life will fall under the F (Family) category. For the O (Occupation), briefly discuss your most recent work experience. Should the interviewer asks follow up questions, then discuss freely.
On your R (Recreation), this is where you can open up your hobbies and things that you do during your free time. Lastly, D (Dreams), take this as your opportunity to share your aspirations and goals in life whether it's personal or professional aspects.
This time, I would like to share some sample answers on how to form a structured answer using and applying the FORD technique. You will have better grasp of this technique by hearing how it is delivered so I have prepared here a video for you to watch. This is also uploaded on our YouTube channel Virtual Assistant (VA) Diaries so feel free to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos.
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